
Social Media Reacts to News of the Possible Return of Loadshedding

Social Media Reacts to the News of Loadshedding Coming Back. After over 10 months of the lights on without interruption, South Africans might be back to the dark days. This comes after Eskom issued a statement warning residents of high risk of loadshedding.

South Africans have been enjoying uninterrupted electricity flow for months. Residents enjoyed the festive season with lights on, which was a bonus. Yes, there were issues here and there, that caused power cuts, but for the most part, there was electricity. Now, due to several breakdowns which require extended repair times, we are back to square one. This however, is a temporary setback according to the statement from Eskom.

This is a potentially temporary setback. Loadshedding is largely behind us due to the structural improvements in our generation fleet. However, over the past seven days, we have experienced several breakdowns that require extended repair times. This has necessitated the use of all our emergency reserves, which now need to be replenished. Consequently, we are closely monitoring the status of our current emergency reserves, and loadshedding up to Stage 4 may be implemented over the weekend.” said Eskom Group Chief Executive, Dan Marokane.

The Minister of Electricity Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has thus set a media briefing today, to outline the status of the country’s power grid.

As expected, social media is going abuzz, after the announcement. Some are concerned, other disappointed, and there are those finding humor in all of this.

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