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Smash Afrika Applauded for His Great Hosting Skills

Smash Afrika Applauded for Her Great Hosting Skills. Filling in the shoes of a great personality is never an easy th ing to do. That is why many people were skeptical that Lawrence Maseko was being replaced as a Big Brother Mzansi host. The great thing though was that he was being replaced by an equally talented host.

Smash Afrika made his debut Sunday night, as the Big Brother Mzansi Season 5 host. Over the past few weeks, the media personality has been doing the most promoting the show. He did adverts on both the mainstream media and social media. Putting himself out there Smash Afrika promised viewers an epic season, and boy, he has lived up to that.

Smash brought the energy, entertainment, fashion and interacted very well with both the housemates and the audience. A lot of people have already warmed up to him, and can’t wait to see how he fares in the coming episodes.

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