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Nomzamo Mbatha’s Back to School Outreach Programme In Full Swing With Donations

Nomzamo Mbatha’s Back to School Outreach Programme In Full Swing With Donations. The Nomzamo Lighthouse Foundation has been doing the most for students for years. The foundation has given out bursaries, school shoes, stationery among many things that students need for their education.

The Lighthouse Foundation was founded by Nomzamo Mbatha in April 2017. Just like the previous years, the foundation is assisting students in need. The foundation this year is targeting 7 schools, 700 students in 5 provinces. The students will get school shoes and uniforms. To pull this off, Nomzamo was helped by other organizations such as Hollywood Foundation and Cotton On Foundation.

7 schools. 700 students. 5 provinces. 700 school shoes and uniforms. Today was Day One @nomzamo_lighthouse for our annual BACK to SCHOOL outreach program in Durban, KZN starting with 2 schools – Bhekisisa High School and Khalipha Special School,” Nomzamo said.

Every beginning of the year gathers anxiety for learners, for different reasons, as they are faced with so many realities.

Weighing the priorities of where the non-existent funds would be spent. Towards home groceries? On lunch money? On a new school shirt? Stationery? Tunic dress? School pants? Physical appearance? Bus or taxi or train fare?

All these factors that affect the self esteem and psyche of young kids. And so we think of ways to restore dignity, ease the load on parents- bring some joy in the process. Massive thank you to the teachers who send submissions for their learners and schools. I’m a product of teachers who looked out for me so they have a very special place in my heart
,” she added.

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