10 Tips On How To Stay Patient

In a world that is constantly evolving and everything is just a click away or can be done in no time, patience has become very rare. Having it is a skill, some people are born patient and for those who weren’t born with patience the good news is you can learn to be. Yes, no matter how badly impatient you are you can teach yourself how to stay calm and collected, you will be surprised to know how much relaxation and peace of mind can impact the quality of your life.
Here are some tips to help you get to that calm peaceful place
1. Figure out why you are in a hurry
You need to find out why you get impatient, if it’s a lot of work or you are always behind schedule try to change that and attempt to change your natural reactions to overwhelming situations.
2. Pinpoint your triggers
Pay attention to what makes you impatient, what it is that gives you anxiety and make you frustrated. Although sometimes it’s hard to accept that it is your behavior and that’s the reality, for you to move on and change you need to identify those triggers and deal with them.
3. Practice patience
Patience is about how you choose to view things in life, you have to learn to change your attitude about life and find the positive in every situation you find yourself in and try to clear your mind. Take a deep breath and count to ten whenever you feel impatient.
4. What really matters
Not understanding the things that matter from those that doesn’t adds up to impatience. Be quick to remind yourself that things happen, forgive, be generous and grateful for what is important. By doing this you reduce any tendency to want something different now.
5. Good things come to those who wait
Everything that lasts and considered good takes time, you have to always remind yourself that. How many great things that you have achieved because you took your time to produce it? Would you have those things if you had rushed them? Probably not.
6. Visualize
While you are still planning, although we always hope for the good you have to tell yourself that things don’t always work out the way we plan. Be realistic with your expectations, not only in circumstances but also with the behavior of people around you.
7. Take some time out
When you see that you are overwhelmed, give yourself some time. Take a walk, do absolutely nothing and just sit in the quiet and think. Don’t watch TV or read, even in that process you might feel like you are wasting time and become impatient but this exercise help you slow your world down and help you develop the right attitude required to have patience.
8. Let go
Sometimes no matter how hard you try something it might not be enough, it happens to everyone, but not everyone knows when it’s time to let go off things you don’t necessarily have power over. If there’s nothing you can do about the situation that triggered your impatience, let go, although it’s not as easy as it sounds it’s important for your health.
9. Keep a journal
For a week or two, take notes of every time you get that feeling of impatience. Write down the cause of that feeling, what you were doing and where you were. You might realize that circumstances around the situation are not the problem but the feeling itself is.
10. Meditate
Meditating helps you learn to find the center of calm within yourself. If you make it a habit, you’ll realize that you go to that place every time you feel impatient. Instead of dwelling in the past or rushing to the future, meditation helps you stay and be present in the moment.