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Bonnie Bee In High Spirits Despite Big Brother Mzansi Eviction

Bonnie Bee In High Spirits Despite Big Brother Mzansi Eviction. Many viewers and fans of the show, really wanted her out. When Bonnie Bee got nominated a week ago, it was music to their ears. On Sunday, the big day came, and she was sadly evicted from the Big Brother Mzansi house. Another housemate evicted on the day is Savage.

Bonnie Bee became public enemy from the get go. This is because she chose Sipha-Lee over Dube even though it was evident that the majority of the housemates preferred the latter. Viewers felt this was not fair on Dube, and immediately wanted Bonnie out of the house. She also went on a heated altercation with Ashley Ogle, and a lot of people gravitated towards Ashley. Among other things her cooking skills and food handling was questioned by viewers and housemates alike.

On a more serious note, Bonnie B, was insensitive to Kayb’s rape issue. After Kayb opened up about her sexual abuse, Bonnie said to her clique that she will use it as leverage against her. This led to her getting a strike, together with Ashley.

Although she herself did not see this one coming, she has taken it all with grace. During her interview with Smash Afrika, she said she wouldn’t change anything she did or said in the house. Bonnie is also thankful to those who voted for her, and was all smiles. Her Instagram handler also oozes positivity, thanking Big Brother for the platform.

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