Masasa Mbangeni Shares The Most Adorable Pictures of Her Childhood

Masasa Mbangeni Shares The Most Adorable Pictures of Her Childhood. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Just by looking at a picture, no matter how way back it was taken, one can just tell a story from it. That is why a lot of people have kept throwback pictures in albums, and archives just to remember the good old times.
One person who just took us down memory lane with adorable childhood pictures is Masasa Mbangeni. The award winning actress and TV personality has shared pictures of herself as a baby as well as during her early school days.
“Here. I remember this day and I remember being so excited to get my photo taken at my late Aunt Vuyiswa’s house eSeyisi. Having photos taken by Bhut’ Japan was such a treat! We would dress up in our Sunday best and the traveling photographer Bhut’ Japan would come over and take family photos. I remember always being happy when this happened. My childhood was tumultuous but photo taking always offered welcome respite. What a cute baby,” Masasa captioned one picture.