Watch! Jojo Robinson Dissolves Her Fillers Ahead of Face Lift Surgery

Watch! Jojo Robinson Dissolves Her Fillers Ahead of Face Lift Surgery. Jojo Robinson has always been open about her cosmetic surgeries. Among the work she has done include an abdominoplasty, which is a procedure done to remove excess skin and fat from the tummy, as well as liposuction.
The reality show star and influencer has also had fillers on her face. Well, she just got them dissolved, to give way for her face lift. Earlier today, Jojo informed her fans and followers of the facelift. She also added that she vlogged the whole experience, and was going to share videos soon
“FACE LIFT SAY WHAT… For Christmas this year, I dissolved all the fillers in my face and got a deep plane face and neck lift,” Jojo announced.
Jojo lived up to the promise, and she has just shared part one of her journey to getting a facelift.
“So I’ve been doing filler for over 7 years already.. I will always love filler. I just felt like it was time to hit a reset. I found that the more I added, the less I was getting to the result I really wanted, and unfortunately, I wouldn’t stop time. Aging is inevitable. And filler could only take me so far.
In order to do the facelift correctly, I had to dissolve the filler I had in my face ( well, most of it) and this scared me so much because I couldn’t imagine my face without it because I had done it for so long.
But I knew it had to be done, and we did it. I will say. Dissolving the filer in the face was incredibly painful. I swelled up instantly,” she said.
And yes.. i used christina Aguilara as my inspiration for my doctor.😂
Part 2.. realising I’m doing the surgery AWAKE.. coming soon