Prince Kaybee On Why He Won’t Go Back to School to Finish Matric

Prince Kaybee On Why He Won’t Go Back to School to Finish Matric. A growing number if our celebrities are big on education. Despite their success, many have gone back to school to complete their studies, and some to pursue new courses.
There are some though, whose circumstances don’t allow them to go back to school. One such is Prince Kaybee. The award winning musician has always been open about not completing his Matric. He was expelled from high school, and that was it.
“I got expelled, I took my teachers car and did a 360 spin at the fields to look cool. She always let me drive her car but that day peer pressure took the better of me and here I am today without Matric,” he explained.
Despite this, Prince Kaybee advocates for education. He always applauds those who go all out to level up their academics. He recently congratulated Sizwe Mpofu-Walsh, on passing his LLB. Prince Kaybee is also big on reading, and encourages others to do so. At the beginning of the year, he advised his followers to invest in a book every month. By so doing, they would have read 12 books, by the end of the year.
Out of curiosity, one of his followers asked him, if he sees himself going back to school, and completing his Grade 12. The person also wanted to know if Prince Kaybee has plans to study further. Well, the answer is no, reason being, there is so much at stake now for Prince Kaybee. All is not lost though, because he will live the education dream through his children.
“I wouldn’t go back to school, there is so much at stake now, responsibilities are 10 times greater than when I was a teenager, it makes zero sense to go to school now. I will live that dream through my kids,” he said.