5 Reasons everyone should wear sunglasses

1. Skin Cancer.
Cancer of the eyelids and skin around the eyes is more common than people think. People should wear sunglasses outdoors whether they are working, driving, participating in sports, taking a walk, running errands or doing anything in the sun. Don’t forget to protect children and teenagers. They typically spend more time in the sun than adults.
Drivers would agree with the fact that driving in the opposite direction with the sun can be very harsh on the eyes. This is because the sun’s brightness and glare interferes with comfortable vision and the ability to see clearly. Sport a pair of sunglasses instead of squinting and getting watery eyes. Lenses reduce light intensity.
Cataracts is an eye disease that is caused by one’s eyes being exposed to too much UV radiation from the sun. It benigns with a growth on the eye’s surface, forming photokeratitis which is sometimes referred to as snow blindness. In simple terms, it’s a temporary but painful sunburn of the eye’s surface. Consider wide-brimmed hats and caps to block out UV radiation together with quality sunglasses that offer good protection.
4. Blue-Light Protection
Sun-sensitive people who are exposed to the blue and violet portion of the solar spectrum are at risk of macular degeneration, especially for individuals that are “sun sensitive.” Colour lenses reduce light intensity.
5. Dark adaptation
Spending just two or three hours in bright sunlight can hamper the eyes’ ability to adapt quickly to night-time or indoor light levels. This can make driving at night after spending a day in the sun more hazardous. Check to make sure your sunglass lenses are perfectly matched in colour and free of distortions and imperfection.
Mbali Radebe