“These Shop Owners Are Terrorists and Killers,” Gayton McKenzie

“These Shop Owners Are Terrorists and Killers,” Gayton McKenzie. Over the years, the public has complained about expired foods, fake foods, and questionable hygiene from township spaza shops. Now there are cases of kids getting sick and dying from consuming some spaza shop foods.
In response to this, a few days ago, the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) instructed all schools to suspend the sale of food within and around school premises until further notice. The department is concerned by how these incidents have led to both loss of life and illness among learners. Schools have been called on to closely monitor and regulate vendors, tuck-shops and other outlets that sell food to vendors. Among other things they must ensure that food is of nutritional value and not expired or repackaged.
The public however, feels that the government is targeting the wrong people. They feel the root cause of all of this comes from spaza shops, most of which are owned by foreign nationals. Minister of Arts Sports and Culture Gayton McKenzie, also conquers with the sentiments. He has shared that these shops must be closed now, before more kids lose their lives. McKenzie who is quite big on the deportation of illegal immigrants feels by not deporting illegal spaza shop owners, people will take matters into their own hands. He describes these shop owners as terrorists and killers.
“We are unknowingly encouraging attacks against illegal spaza shopowners by not acting & deporting them. Our inaction is a direct instruction that people should take law in own hands. These shopowners are terrorist and killers. Let us close all this shops now before more kids die,” McKenzie said.