DRIP Founder Lekau Sehoana Sheds Light on Divorce and Eviction Drama

DRIP Founder Lekau Sehoana Sheds Light on Divorce and Eviction Drama. What was meant to be a great 5th year anniversary celebration for DRIP, has now been overshadowed by Lekau Sehoana’s personal life drama. The DRIP founder finds himself dealing with pending divorce issues and eviction reports.
Over the past few days, there have been some media reports that suggested Sehoana neglected to pay the outstanding balance on his monthly rental bill. It is alleged that he defaulted in November and December 2023, and now has almost R100 000 in rental payments.
This ultimately resulted in the purported eviction, which left his son and ex-wife homeless. His son is also allegedly expelled from school after he failed to pay his tuition for several months.
Sehoana has finally decided to address the issue, stating that it took him a lot to do so. Taking to social media, he states that the story was factually incorrect. He also added that he hasn’t lived with his ex since 2021, and sadly has no access to his son.
“I have not lived with my soon-to-be ex-wife since 2021, and I have no access to my son. I was renting the property for my soon-to-be ex-wife in order to provide a home for my son, Sehoana said.
He went on to state that he was previously notified by the landlord that the police sought access to the property. They wanted his ex-wife’s assistance with their investigations into the murder of Drip’s former MD, Glanda Ndlanzi. Upon the police’s arrival, they found that she had rented the property to individuals he did not know. This led him to terminate the lease.
“The divorce process is still ongoing, and despite several attempts on my end to settle and expedite the divorce, they have not been fruitful,” he said.