3 Reasons Why Women Are Dissapearing And Getting Killed In SA

A shocking number of women and children have been killed in South Africa recently – many of them at the hands of their boyfriends or strangers. Ever wondered why though?
“Women are disappearing for three reasons:
1. A new human sacrifice ritual that targets women mostly. The perpetrators are instructed to sacrifice (kill and burn) a young female in exchange for wealth. They aim for nightclubs, malls, university residential areas and any area where they’re likely to find young women in abundance.
2. A human trafficking syndicate that targets young women mostly. Perpetrators go around looking for good-looking young women to abduct and sell to overseas buyers (who forcefully turn them into sex slaves and prostitutes). Likewise, they aim for nightclubs, malls, university residential areas, schools and any area where they’re likely to find young good-looking women in abundance.
3. A human organ black market syndicate. Perpetrators go around looking for healthy looking people (men and women) to abduct and kill for human organs to sell to wealthy buyers who are in need of quick transplants. The orders range from hearts, lungs, kidneys, eyeballs all the way to intestines. They also aim for nightclubs, malls, university residential areas, schools, hospitals and any area where they’re likely to find young people with fresh matching organs.
Dear South Africa, we’re in big trouble. I know we’re a friendly society but please don’t stop for strangers’ cars when you’re all alone right now. Don’t leave nightclubs with people you don’t know. Always let someone know of your whereabouts. Be vigilant. Be woke.