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Mpho Wabadimo Opens Up About Grief After the Passing of Her Mother

Mpho Wabadimo Opens Up About Grief After the Passing of Her Mother. Grief is a phase that people deal with differently. For some it take time to accept, and for others, they accept quickly, and navigate their way through the healing process.

About two months ago, Mpho Wabadimo went through one of the most challenging phases of her life, as she lost her dear mother. The Big Brother Mzansi Season III winner and her mother Elizabeth Nonjebo Mvundla were very close. Throughout her time on Big Brother Mzanzi, and Themba: My Inked World reality shows, it was evident that Mpho is quite big on family. She has a special relationship with her brother, her two sons, and her now late mother. Mpho spoke highly of her mom, while in the house, and the family celebrated her win big. Her mother was also her pillar of strength, and that was evident when her second baby daddy’s family gave her grief.

Mpho recently took to Instagram, to share her journey on grief. Although its difficult, Mpho has slowly learn to live with pain and accept grief as a part of her journey.

G R I E F .
There is something about grief that changes you forever not only do you grieve the loss of your loved one but you also grieve who you were before your loss. It hasn’t been the easiest of transitions but I’ve slowly learnt to live with the pain and welcome grief as part of my journey. My grief slowly went from a dark space to me finding my light and power once again welcoming new energies of healing ,grace & letting go because I have learnt that grief is just LOVE with no place to go and the best thing to do is to go through it
,” Mpho said.

She also explained the meaning of her shaved head, a tradition that many black people uphold during grief. She went bald to honor and respect her mom. This gesture has also allowed Mpho to heal and let go.

“Our Hair is our crown & removing our hair is not a sign of weakness but a sign of respect, honour and recollecting our strength. In honour of my Mom I shaved off my hair as a sign of respect and allowing myself to heal and letting go because our hair carries energies and memories and sometimes trauma and pain that we have experienced in our lives so cutting it off helps in the releasing of that energy and allowing healing in both spirit and the physical. I cried tears that could fill an ocean, weeping the loss of my Mother but guess what? Rain Makes The Flowers Grow and in life you either choose to stay down & wallow in your pain and die or choose to take back your power & rise like a phoenix that you are!

Dear Grief I thank you
you took away my life
but you also gave birth to my soul.

Thokoza Ma 🤍I will always love you
,” she added.

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