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Heartfelt Tributes Continue to Pour In for Tito Mboweni

Heartfelt Tributes Continue to Pour In for Tito Mboweni. Quite often a times in this country, when a political figure passes on, many social media users celebrate. With Tito Mboweni, it is quite different, as majority of people are saddened by his untimely passing.

The former Minister of Finance and Governor of the South African Reserve Bank passed away at 65 two days ago. Tito died in a hospital in Johannesburg surrounded by his loved ones. According to reports, he had suffered a short illness.

Many social media users got to know about Tito’s personality from his X (Twitter) posts. He loved posting his unusual meals, mainly Pilchards tin fish, chicken an papa. Some of Tito’s preferred ingredients were tomatoes cut in large chunks, and loads of garlic. Despite his success, Tito was also a modest human being. Unlike most of his peers, he did not live a lavish lifestyle of international holidays, expensive rides, or designer clothes. His look was simple, such that at times he got mocked for it.

He is remembered for his humility, how he interacted with fellow South Africans, his love for the country, among other things.

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