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“This Comeback is Personal,” Ayanda Borotho

“This Comeback is Personal,” Ayanda Borotho. A break every now and then is needed, as it is vital for productivity, creativity, health, and well-being. Pausing amidst busy days allows our minds and bodies to recharge and refocus.

Ayanda Borotho has been laying low for the past couple of months. The talented actress and author has also not been sharing updates on social media. A few days back though, Ayanda returned to Instagram. She posted a few pictures, and gave them strong captions. In one of the pictures Ayanda spoke about the break that she took. The reason she has been missing in action is because she wanted to focus on introspection and healing among other things. Ayanda also wanted to be more aware of her surroundings, and deal with some truths in private. All of this has paid off, and Ayanda is back, ready to take on the world again.

This comeback is personal. I have a lot to prove to myself.
I had to take some time off, to introspect, to heal, to breath. And I needed to cut off the noise in order to hear God clearly as I embark on this chapter. I needed time, because time is an equaliser, it reveals every intent of everyone around you. Time dealt me some truths, wars that I had to conquer in private. It was brutal. But it was worth the Phoenix emerging. I am from these ashes, and I am ready to thrive again. Not survive…Thrive,
” Ayanda said.

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