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Enhle Mbali Announces Her New Acting Role

Enhle Mbali Announces Her New Acting Role. This month, BET unveils the premiere of the groundbreaking boxing drama, Pound 4 Pound. The 13-part drama series explores the high-stakes world of women’s boxing in Africa, delivering a powerful narrative of resilience, empowerment, and the pursuit of greatness.

The series follows Lindiwe Mkhwanazi, portrayed by Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa. She is a passionate advocate for women’s boxing and the COO of the South African Boxing Federation. Lindiwe finds herself in hot water after prematurely registering an all-women’s team for the Africa Unite Boxing Championship in Lagos, Nigeria. To get the team ready, she recruits a washed-up former boxing champion, Dingaan “Tiger” Nkosi, played by Mduduzi Mabaso Mdakane, to train the amateur women boxers. Most of these women have never boxed before,  but see an opportunity in joining the team. Their journey unfolds a compelling narrative that mirrors the real-life challenges and victories of everyday women. It’s a story about underdogs rising to greatness and women breaking barriers in male-dominated fields. 

Other key cast members include Mduduzi Mabaso, Nicole Bessick, Gabisile Tshabalala, Kealeboga Masango, Kwanele Mthethwa, Sne Mbatha, Zolisa Xaluva an Brandon Auret.

Produced by Bakwena Productions, Pound 4 Pound premiers on September 29 at 18:30.

New show loading #Pound4pound meet Lindiwe on @bet_africa,” Enhle announced.

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