Celeb News

Denise Zimba Celebrates Her Almost 2 Decades Friendship With Nicholas Nkuna

Denise Zimba Celebrates Her Almost 2 Decades Friendship With Nicholas Nkuna. Having a friendship last this long in this industry is very rare. The moment celebrities come out as friends, there is already pressure from the media, fans and in some instances brands. Having noted that though, there are stars who have managed to have genuine friendships that are still going strong.

One such pair is Nicholas Nkuna and Denise Zimba. The two have been friends for 18 years, ans are still at it. Both of them are actors and musicians, which is probably why they gel so much. Speaking about their friendship, Denise says it started from Theatre School, to date. Although at times they parted, they still found each other at the end of the day. The talented actress, TV personality and artists thanked Nick for his love and loyalty. How sweet!

18 years of friendship and we still at it. From Theatre School to growing pains, we always able to come back to each and laugh.

@Nicksoulworld Thank You for your Love and Loyalty. You don’t find that nowadays …,” she captioned their video together.

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