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Cool Interview With Seasoned TV Personality Lee-Roy Wright

Cool Interview With Seasoned TV Personality Lee-Roy Wright. After almost a decade hiatus the talented TV personality recently returned back to the small screen. Lee-Roy Wright has joined e.tv’s popular breakfast show ‘The Morning Show’. We recently caught up with him, and he opened up about his TV career, and delved more on ‘The Morning Show’.

1. Lee-Roy, welcome back to e.tv! How does it feel to return as the new host of The Morning Show? 

It feels great! It feels like it is meant to be. I am thrilled to be joining a show like The Morning Show on e.tv, getting to wake the nation up and kick-starting their day with a daily dose of fun, excitement, and entertainment! 

2. What are you most excited about bringing to The Morning Show in your role as host? 

I think I am just really excited to bring my energy to the show. I have been doing television for a long time, and I think people have forgotten about me, so I think being back gives me an opportunity to once again connect with millions of South Africans. I am really looking forward to building a new, fresh relationship with the audience and starting their day off the ‘wright’ way!

3. Can you share a bit about your journey since you last worked with e.tv and how it has prepared you for this new role? 

I did kids TV for just under 7 years when I hosted Craz-e, and with kids TV there is a transition period that one needs to take in order to grow and to an extent grow up and shake off the ‘kids’ persona’. I have had close to ten years away from the screen, and I think the team away has allowed me to grow in many different ways. Grow in life, in business, in friendship and mostly, in myself. Now, being back in TV, I feel fully ready and equipped for the new role. 

4. What can viewers expect from The Morning Show with you as the host that they might not have seen before? 

I think I am just ready to be me. When I was doing youth TV back in the day, one almost has to play a role, be a kid, but still be mature and focused on the role. Now, being older and speaking to an older audience, I can just be me. No strings attached. What you see, is what you get, and I am excited to be my authentic tic adult-self. I have had time to grow and experience life, and I want to bring that energy and knowledge to the audience. 

5. How do you plan to engage with the audience and make the morning show experience special for them? 

Look, I am full of craziness and full of many different energies and I think audiences are going to be surprised by me. I really want to give the audience a peek into my life, what I enjoy, while at the same time possibly creating new experiences for them. I want to be viewer-centric and give the viewers at home an opportunity a taste of fun, flavour and allow them to experience new exciting adventures and moments that I can bring to them via the show. 

6. What is one segment or feature you are particularly passionate about introducing to the show? 

I am truly passionate about travel and animals. I am very excited to introduce the audience to travel, to take them along with exploratory experiences, seeing the city, its beauty and wonder, while learning more about it. I also want to give the viewers opportunities to explore travel hotspots, giving them a chance to experience new places and things to do in the city. 

7. Morning routines are so important. Can you give us a peek into your own morning routine before going on air? 

Sometimes when I watch TikTok videos, I feel like my morning routines are boring, ha ha! But for me, I wake up, get something to drink, feed the dogs, feed my fish, always wash my face, and apply my sunscreen. I would complete my mashup and get dressed, do my hair. I am super pedantic about my hair, and it always needs to be perfectly right. And just before I head to work or leave the house, I have to give my dog some love. 

8. How do you handle the pressure of live television, and do you have any pre-show rituals to keep you calm and focused? 

Being on kids TV at such a young age, I have been groomed to the pressures of live television. I do still get nervous, but it is good nerves. I always make sure I am prepared and sorted before going live, yes, anything can happen as it is live tv but having been in the industry and in front of the camera for so many years, you learn tricks and ways in which to cope and navigate tough situations. 

9. Who has been your favourite guest on a morning show you have hosted, and why? 

I love comedians! They bring such an incredible energy to the show. They understand entertainment and they are always ’switched on’ and you are always at ease with them around because you know they are bringing the entertainment, which makes for a great show. When I was a lot younger, I had the opportunity to interview comedic legend, Leon Schuster – and that was such a highlight! 

10. If you could have any celebrity, living or dead, join you on The Morning Show, who would it be and what would you talk about? 

I would love to chat to Britney Spears! She is such a legend, an icon, and someone who has had such an incredible, yet tough life. There would be so much to talk about, and I think really unpacking her history, career and current state would be truly captivating for me and the audience. 

11. What is one behind-the-scenes moment from your time on The Morning Show that fans would be surprised to hear about? 

I hide my phone and my script behind the pillows on the show. Ha ha! When watching the show, there is a big couch that we get to sit on, and in-between takes and segments I hide my cellphone and script behind the pillows so that I can easily use it to check messages and reference the next segment. 

12. If you had to host a morning show with a fictional character as your co-host, who would you choose and why? 

Spider-Man. I am the biggest fan of Spider-Man and for me, he is the ultimate superhero. Imagine interviewing Spider-Man?! That would be SO cool!

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