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Born Into Fame Fans Call Out Shamiso for Her Attitude

Born Into Fame Fans Call Out Shamiso for Her Attitude. Since the show started she was one of the most loved participants. Well, it took the last episodes of Born Into Fame, for a number of viewers to change their minds about Shamiso Mosaka.

No doubt that the media personality is drop dead gorgeous. As soon as the show started, most of the guys flirted with her. She however made it clear that she is seeing someone. Despite this, AJ, who is a DJ, got closer to Shamiso. The two will be cool one minute, and the next minute, it’s chaotic. Some viewers were shocked that AJ, who has a girlfriend, pursued Shamiso like that. Shamiso always tried to set boundaries, but it’s how she did it, that left viewers not so impressed.

On the last episode of season I, things were just too hectic, with Shamiso being really rude to AJ. When AJ got emotional, she did not stop, but continued to make fun of him, while telling him off t the same time. Her behavior made her lose some brownie points from people who have been on her side all along. Even after Shamiso tried to defend herself, fans still came after her.

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