
Applications for the HONOR Talents Global Design Awards

Applications for the HONOR Talents Global Design Awards. Honor and the National Youth Development Agency is calling all young artists and designers.

The Aim of the Awards

  • HONOR Talents Global Design Awards is committed to bringing together those at the forefront of youth art.
  • It aims to mobilize the rich resources of the HONOR brand to support, empower and incubate more original forces.
  • The project continues to focus on art design, end product experiential design and new forms of design expression to further the global discourse between art and technology.
  • We hope the world can witness the talents of these young creative minds, and consumers can constantly experience the beauty of technology and art innovation.


  • HONOR Talents have unique eyes and see beauty in everything they see.
  • Besides that, they can sooth the soul with creativity and inspiring inspiration with innovation.

2024 HONOR Talents Design Themes:

1. Cultural Prosperity · Celebration: A Totem of Renewing Festive Culture
Create with important traditional cultural elements of various countries, such as Lunar New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Day of the Dead, Halloween and Eid al-Fitr.

2. Renewal of life · Return: Contemplate human beings’ relationship with all things.
With sustainable development as the starting point, your creations must incorporate the concepts of environmental protection, biodiversity, energy conservation and emissions reduction within the design details.

3. Genesis · The Future: Imagine the Innovative World of the Future
The world of the future will be constructed with the power of technology and art, using creativity and imagination.

4. City Inspiration · Beauty: The Scenery of Hometown
The representative elements of your hometown are used to depict the development of your hometown in many fields, including life, culture, and construction.

5. Panda · Mutual Learning: The International Image of Pandas
Depict the image of China’s national treasure, the giant panda, and make it a messenger to promote international cultural exchanges. This theme cooperates with the Global Panda Illustration Competition as the exclusive global partner for the online collection of the event. Submissions made before 13th of July will be eligible to participate in the selection of the Global Panda Theme Illustration Competition as well as the selection of the HONOR Talents Global Design Awards. Winning entries will have the opportunity to be displayed at the HONOR Flagship Store (Chengdu Wide and Narrow Alley) and Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Base.

Design Specification:

  • The design software used is not limited, and the source files and creative process of all entries must be retained after contest submission.
  • The work needs to ensure the integrity and meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. It should be completely original, and have no plagiarism.
  • Please read the design requirements on the [Guidelines for Participation] page carefully before creating.
  • For Race Track categories that use design templates, please be sure to download and use the special design templates provided by the contest, and provide the correct delivery file format and parameters.
  • Contestants can submit entries to multiple categories, but the same work cannot be submitted to multiple categories.

Selection Criteria

Through the fair and professional review process of the HONOR Talents Global Design Awards, we can select the works with the most design, the most innovation and the most market application potential.
(1) Aesthetics: strong visual impact, reasonable composition and harmonious color.
(2) Technological Sense: expressing the innovative beauty of combining tech and art.
(3) Creativity: The design is ingenious and has original elements.
(4) Applicability: accurate information transmission, suitable for HONOR consumer products, accessory products and MagicOS, etc.
(5) Conveying power: showing cultural feelings and humanistic connotations.

How to Apply

Click HERE to apply.

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2024, Beijing time

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