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Toya Delazy Reaches Out to Zimbabweans Being Chased Out of SA

Toya Delazy Reaches Out to Zimbabweans Being Chased Out of SA. Making headlines today, is the news that over 120 undocumented foreign nationals have been arrested in Durban. Police are conducting a raid in the inner city, searching for illegal firearms, hijacked buildings, and undocumented foreign nationals

This has received mixed views, of course with many locals happy about the developments. They applaud General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi for a job well done, at getting illegal immigrants go home. Many attribute many criminal activities, to undocumented foreigners in the country.

There are some though like Toya Delazy, who are not sold. The musician who is based abroad feels like the Government of Unity is doing more harm than good. Toya says they show their power by attacking only black foreign nationals, but let white supremacists rule over them. She also called out for the Zimbabweans being chased out to drop her a message, as she might have a job for them.

To all the Zimbabweans being chased out drop me a message, I may a mhave a job for you. Our Zulu men only show their power when attacking other black fathers & brothers while calling it patriotic, but let white supremacists rule over them GNU is creating a future of mental slaves,” Toya said.

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