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Toya Delazy On Being Sober for Almost 2 Years

Toya Delazy On Being Sober for Almost 2 Years. It’s definitely not easy but doable, when one is dedicated. In 2022, Toya Delazy decided to adapt to a life of sober habits. How heartwarming is it that she is still pursuing the lifestyle and going strong.

The talented musician, who is based abroad, started drinking alcohol at the age of 17. She quickly got used to it, to an extend that she relied on alcohol to make her feel some type of way. Alcohol became her friend, and somewhat a solution to every problem. Being in the south African music scene made her dive deep into booze. The alcohol was free and the entire industry thrived on alcohol consumption. Toya also noticed that the higher the price the cooler the person felt.

After finding a community which supported her and a counselor, Toya has never looked back. Although it was not easy in the beginning, she is happy that she managed to beat the temptations. Toya also shared that the lifestyle almost killed her, but is glad to have found coping ways. Now it has been one year and 10 months, as a sober person. For Toya, this is her greatest achievement.

My greatest achievement. Through everything happening in life the highs & lows, this thing almost killed me, I’m glad I learnt to heal my pain & transform it into music, power, experiences, making friends, knowledge, speaking & breakimg generational curses. A day at a time,” she shared.

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