From Being a TikTok Creator to Becoming A CEO! Inspirational Interview With Kayla Kim Kay

From Being a TikTok Creator to Becoming A CEO! Inspirational Interview With Kayla Kim Kay. Kayla Kim Kay is a young South African TikTok creator and entrepreneur. As CEO of Afrocurl, she spearheads growth and innovation, earning acclaim as a top industry voice. In her content, she shows her followers how to get the job done in style. Beyond business, Kayla is dedicated to mentoring and community empowerment.
TikTok recently announced their first-ever 2024 inaugural Visionary Voices Africa List, recognizing 15 visionary African creators, business owners, and industry disruptors who are making an impact and shifting culture. This is along with a first-time TikTok #VisionaryVoicesAfrica music playlist and in-app hub honoring African visionaries. Kayla Kim Kay has made part of the list, as her amazing work gains popularity on the social media platform.
- How did you transition from being a TikTok creator to becoming the CEO of Afrocurl?
What I am doing now has always been the goal. Content was a way to achieve it and I’ve found joy in both content and being an entrepreneur.
- How do you balance your responsibilities as a business leader with your role as a content creator?
I learn every day. It’s not necessarily easy, however I employ help where help is needed. I’ve also realized that as I grow, delegating certain roles is important as I cannot do it all. I’ve recently employed a PA and this has helped me plan out my content for both Afrocurl and Kaylakimkay.
- What type of content do you create on TikTok to show your followers how to “get the job done in style”?
Organic lifestyle content. My everyday life through the form of vlogging t shows both the ups and downs of running a business. It’s very realistic.
- Can you describe some of your most popular or impactful TikTok videos?
Impactful, I would say is my growth journey. When I talk about my business and its growth it gives others hope and inspires them to start something of their own too.
- How has your experience as an influencer informed your approach to business leadership?
Being an entrepreneur was always a passion of mine, whether it was selling cookies in school or now selling hair products. Being an influencer didn’t impact my approach to business but rather a marketing tool to share my business story. I have acquired knowledge as a fashion buyer in retail (corporate) for 6 years.
- You were recognized on TikTok’s Visionary Voices Africa List in Creativity and Innovation what does this achievement mean for you?
I think being recognized is something beautiful. I would like to think that my journey didn’t start now, it started when I sold merch, then snackboxes etc to get to Afrocurl. I think being recognized is not just for me but for those who see me as an inspiration. It’s for young girls to know and understand that there is recognition in this space and support. I always say Afrocurl is bigger than me.
- I just noticed that you always wearing a pink color in your clothes is that your favorite color?
It’s my favorite color yes. It’s also important for my branding to associate the color pink with Kaylakimkay and Afrocurl.
- How did you grow your followers into 2.5 million?
Honestly just being myself, sharing my milestones, being authentic in both the hardships and joyous moments.
- What challenges have you faced as a young entrepreneur in the South African business landscape?
Gender bias is a big thing in the business space, and lack of funding support. I’ve applied for many however never received anything. Everything that I’m doing today is fully funded by myself.
- How does your content reflect your dual roles as a business leader and social media influencer?
They are intertwined. I’m a business leader and I use that role to spark up 90% of my content as an influencer. Whether it be strictly business content or that my role as an entrepreneur has awarded/ afforded me my current lifestyle.
- What strategies do you employ to maintain authenticity across your various professional roles?
As a spiritual person, God leads here. This is something that is greater than me. Consistency is key for me. Delegating where needed is vital. Including my team in decision-making is just as important. I’m nowhere near perfect, neither is Afrocurl, but I would like to think our trial and error has worked in our favor and we will continue to persevere.
- Are there any future collaboration with influencers for your business? As well as you working with brands?
No. believe it or not, influencer marketing is not part of our current strategy or in the near future as this method of marketing has never worked for us over the past year and 9 months. The method that works well is my story and organic customers sharing their experiences with Afrocurl. The community of hunays have found it best that I be the face of my brand and that I represent it well.