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Fashion Entrepreneur Alexa Schempers Featured on TikTok’s Visionary Voices Africa 2024 List! Check Out Her Interview

Fashion Entrepreneur Alexa Schempers Featured on TikTok’s Visionary Voices Africa 2024 List! Check Out Her Interview. Alexa Schempers, the founder and creative director of the Cape Town-based fashion label Rethread, is a self-trained fashion designer with a background in business and marketing. As a TikTok creator, she shares her journey in building a fashion business and her passion for expressive fashion. Through Rethread, she champions sustainability and hosts thrift stores, offering unique, eco-friendly fashion choices.

  1. How did you transition from your background in business and marketing to becoming a self-trained fashion designer?

I always knew I wanted my own brand, and my background in business and marketing was meant to be the foundation for that. My mom, a trained fashion designer, encouraged me to build that foundation first, reassuring me that I didn’t need to be a designer to start a fashion business. Over time, I learned what I needed on the job. My love for learning and creating led me to dive deeper into the design process—eventually, I found myself behind the sewing machine and even took a pattern-making course to better understand the craft.

2. You were recognized on TikTok’s Visionary Voices Africa List in Creativity and Innovation. What does this achievement mean for you?

    This recognition means the world to me! There are times in this journey when you wonder, “Why am I doing this?”—especially when things don’t go as planned. Being acknowledged in this way is a reminder that hard work, combined with good intentions, does pay off. It motivates me to keep pushing forward and continue putting myself out there, even when things get tough.

    3. What inspired you to create Rethread, and how does the brand reflect your personal vision for fashion?

    While studying for my master’s in Circular Fashion Entrepreneurship in Amsterdam, I was exposed to incredible sustainable fashion brands. What really resonated with me was the ‘re-fashion’ world—resale, recycle, repair, and reuse/rental. From a sustainability standpoint, it just made sense to me. Rethread reflects the modern woman’s wardrobe—some new clothes (preferably from local brands), unique upcycled pieces, and thrifted gems. Our collection embodies all three.

    4. How do you incorporate sustainability into Rethread’s design and production processes?

    We adhere to a minimal waste policy, recycling and upcycling wherever possible. We produce in small batches to reduce waste and deadstock, testing demand before committing to larger quantities. Building strong, ethical relationships with our garment makers is also a top priority.

    5. What types of content do you share on TikTok about your journey in building a fashion business?

     I share a mix of everything—the highs, but most importantly, the lows. People resonate with hearing what can and does go wrong, and the lessons learned from those experiences. We also show behind-the-scenes glimpses of our design process and sourcing of vintage garments, which people love. I’m known for “not gatekeeping”—I openly share my suppliers and processes, which I think is refreshing in the fashion industry.

    7. How do you balance your roles as a creative director and a TikTok content creator?

     It’s definitely a challenge! I’m fortunate now to have an amazing team that helps manage the workload. But for the first three years, I did everything myself. Recently, I had to step back from creating content to focus on building systems, hiring a team, and growing the business. However, moments like these remind me why I started and inspire me to get back behind the camera.

    8. What unique features or styles characterize Rethread’s fashion offerings?

    Rethread pieces are known for structured and sculpted silhouettes, pops of orange (like the three stitches on our label often sewn on the outside), versatility, colour blocking, and raw edges or an ‘inside-out’ look. These elements form what I like to call our “design toolbox.”

    9. How do you organize and manage the thrift stores hosted by Rethread?

    There seems to be some confusion—we don’t host thrift stores. Instead, we visit many thrift stores to source vintage items for our upcycled collection and resale. We love sharing our sourcing journey and the hidden gems we find to encourage others to buy second-hand and upcycle too!

    10. What challenges have you faced as a self-trained designer in the competitive fashion industry?

     The most challenging aspect has been production—finding the right manufacturers and suppliers who value quality and sustainability, and then managing those relationships. Coming into the industry fresh and naïve, I wasn’t sure how to communicate my needs or understand what was standard. It’s gotten easier with time, but production remains a common struggle for many local brand owners.

    11. How does your background in business and marketing contribute to your success with Rethread?

       My business and marketing background provided a solid foundation for Rethread. Marketing, in particular, has been crucial—I believe it’s the reason we’ve grown as we have. Someone recently told me, “I see your brand everywhere online but in the best way.” That comment validated that we’re doing something right, and it’s a testament to the strength of our marketing strategy.

      12. What impact has Rethread had on the Cape Town fashion scene and the sustainable fashion movement?

         I believe we were one of the first local brands to introduce upcycling into the fashion scene. We’ve shown that incorporating upcycling into your business model is possible, even if it’s just in small ways. It’s a challenging model to scale, but we’ve demonstrated that doing something is better than doing nothing. I hope we’ve inspired others to embrace sustainability in their practices too.

        13. How do you engage with your audience and customers through your TikTok content?

          My approach has always been about building genuine relationships with our audience. From the start, I made it a priority to engage in conversations and connect with people who interact with us. That personal touch has made a big difference.

          14. What future goals or expansions have you envisioned for Rethread and your personal brand?

            We’re currently focusing on developing new upcycled styles, with plans to collaborate with another brand. We aim to continue growing at a steady pace, pushing the boundaries of design, and finding new ways to be more sustainable. Personally, I’d love to travel to the States and Europe next year for trunk shows and potentially collaborate on a capsule collection with a creator from New York. There are so many exciting ideas in the pipeline! As for my personal brand, I’m feeling inspired to share more of my journey, possibly through a podcast or channel where I can discuss the lessons I’ve learned. Once my team is fully in place, I plan to pour more energy into that project.

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