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Thuso Mbedu Advocates for Reading

Thuso Mbedu Advocates for Reading. The importance of reading can never be over emphasized. Among other things, reading develops the mind and gives the reader excessive knowledge and lessons of life. This is why Thuso Mbedu took it upon herself to encourage people out there to read more.

The multi-award winning actress reveals that she loves reading, and has been doing it for years. She mentions how reading influence her emotions, and also allows her to explore the world, in the comfort of her own home.

I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. It’s one of those things whose start genuinely makes me giddy with excitement and whose end induces heartbreak – happy or sad ending, you’re likely to find me shedding a few tears. Through reading we traverse plains without leaving the comfort of our own homes. I think reading is what made me excited to explore the rest of the world: I always knew that there’s so much more out there than whatever it is I was experiencing at the time,” Thuso said.

One thing though, Thuso doesn’t get people who don’t love to read. One of those is her sister. She has however, comes to terms with that, as she understands their reasons. The great thing is that her sister is now actively trying to build the habit of reading.

When I went apartment hunting one of the first things that made me really fall in love with where I stay was the bookshelf. Oooooooh. It was brown and empty and just ready to be filled. I’m not in a rush to fill it but adding a book every now and then makes me super excited,” now that’s an avid reader!

Thuso has thus encouraged many to read, and gave pointers to get into the habit. “Open up your mind, exercise the brain, think about what it is that you’re curious about and dig in. It doesn’t have to be thick novels. Start small and build from there,” she added.

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