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Makhadzi Responds to the National Department of Sport Arts and Culture’s Claims of Funding Her

Makhadzi Responds to the National Department of Sport Arts and Culture’s Claims of Funding Her. There is always some misunderstandings between artists and the Department of Sport Arts and Culture. With a new Minister, many were expecting things to be better between the tow parties.

The news minister Gayton McKenzie has ordered artists, sports stars and creatives who received funding from the department be named publicly, with the reasons and the amounts thereof. Makhadzi became the first artist to be named, in a statement released by the department. This came after Makhadzi shared that she received no support from them towards her trip to Los Angeles for the BET Awards.

DSAC strongly rejects the assertion that it has not supported Makhadzi. Over the past 14 months, Makhadzi has been booked by DSAC to perform in several national engagements, receiving as much as R230,000,” the department said.

Makhadzi has thus released a statement to address the claims. The international award winning artist says she has never applied for or received funding from the department. She stated that on the 16th of June she performed at the department’s event, and also performed at the president’s inauguration. For both events, Makhadzi was paid as she rendered a service.

“The statement from the department is creating a lot of confusion from the heading to the last paragraph and seeks to give an impression that Makhadzi is one of the recipients and is now being published as stated by Minister Mr. Gayton McKenzie. Makhadzi is not a recipient and the department should release the list and stop diverting attention.

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