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Inside Faith Nketsi’s Mom’s Birthday Celebration

Inside Faith Nketsi’s Mom’s Birthday Celebration. One thing about Faith Nketsi and her family, they are big at celebrating each other. From milestones, personal growth to birthdays, the family always comes together to celebrate one another.

Two year’s back, Faith’s mom Linky Mamogale Modise, turned 60. Although at the time Faith was heavily pregnant, she and other family members, went all out to make sure Aus’ Linky as her mom is affectionately called, had a blast on her milestone birthday. Everything about the black and gold themed party was classy and on point. KKK Events came through with the decor, whereas Chef Mvula made sure everyone was well fed. Thilis Cakes did the most with a gorgeous and mouthwatering cake that complimented the theme. The celebration made it to Have Faith reality show.

Two years has passed, and now Aus’ Linky is having another epic birthday celebration. The event was a family affair, with her kids, grand kids, and other loved ones present. Faith took to Instagram to share some behind the scene pictures of the celebration. Her daughter Sky, looked all cute, stealing the show at granny’s party.

Happy birthday mommy/gogo. We love you so much ❤️ @linkymng,” Faith captioned the pictures.

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