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Ama Qamata Partners With A Major Beauty Brand On An Important Campaign About Looks

Ama Qamata Partners With A Major Beauty Brand On An Important Campaign. We live in a world of technology, where certain apps can be used to enhance or tamper with the original appearance of something. When it comes to beauty, normally how a person looks in images an videos, is totally different from how they look in person.

Dove is universally known for its commitment to representing and celebrating beauty in all its diversity. The beauty brand has come up with a new campaign, The Code. This looks at the impact of AI on beauty, while celebrating the lasting legacy Dove has built. In an era where 90% of content is predicted to be AI-generated by 2025, Dove intends to keep beauty real.

Who better to be on this campaign than Ama Qamata! The award winning actress has joined Dove to push the mandate. In a heartwarming video she posted on Instagram, Ama, mentions how being a dark-skinned woman has never been an issue for her. Although certain body types, shapes and skin tones are regarded as beautiful, Ama is pretty content with her looks. It makes her stand tall because she has the same features and skin tone as her mother and late grandmother.

@dovesouthafrica has taken a pledge to keep beauty real and further challenge AI to represent real beauty. I am so excited to partner with Dove on such an important campaign. #realbeautygeneration,” Ama said in excitement.

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