
Zakes Bantwini Shares His 20 Lessons Learned In His 20 Years in the Music Industry

As you approach your own milestones and dream of making your mark in the music industry, there’s a wealth of wisdom to be gleaned from those who’ve walked the path before you. Zakes Bantwini, a celebrated artist and entrepreneur, is set to mark his 20th anniversary in the music industry with a grand concert on July 5, 2024, at the Durban ICC. Reflecting on his journey, Zakes has distilled two decades of experiences, challenges, and triumphs into 20 invaluable lessons. In this opinion piece, he shares these insights, hoping to inspire and guide you as you pursue your own ambitions in the ever-evolving world of music. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, a seasoned professional, or someone simply passionate about the industry, Zakes’ reflections offer a treasure trove of advice and inspiration.

  1. Consistency is Key: Over the years, I’ve discovered that maintaining consistency in producing quality music is crucial for longevity.
  2. Embrace Change: Adapting to industry changes, from CDs to digital, to marketing trends, has been vital for my sustained success.
  3. Stay True to Your Roots: Despite international fame, I have remained deeply connected to my South African heritage, which resonates in my music.
  4. Innovate Constantly: Introducing new sounds and collaborating with diverse artists keeps my music fresh and relevant.
  5. Invest in Yourself: Continuous learning and self-improvement are essential. I pursued further education to enhance my music business acumen, and started my own event properties.
  6. Build Strong Networks: Relationships with other artists, producers, and industry stakeholders have opened doors and created opportunities for me.
  7. Be Resilient: Overcoming setbacks and criticism has been part of my journey, showing the importance of resilience.
  8. Mentor Others: Sharing my knowledge and uplifting emerging artists strengthens the industry as a whole.
  9. Diversify Your Skills: I’m not just a musician but also a producer and businessman, showcasing the benefits of a multifaceted career.
  10. Maintain Authenticity: Authenticity in my music and public persona builds trust and loyalty among fans.
  11. Understand Your Audience: Knowing and evolving with my audience’s preferences keeps me relevant and relatable.
  12. Leverage Technology: Using social media and digital platforms effectively has expanded my reach and engagement.
  13. Collaborate Across Genres: Working with artists from different genres creates unique and innovative music.
  14. Have a Vision: Clear long-term goals help in navigating the ups and downs of the industry.
  15. Stay Humble: There’s no room for egos. Despite my success, I make sure to remain grounded at all times.
  16. Don’t Forget Where You Come From: Always have this at the back of your mind. Whether it’s your home town or your home country. No one will support you like your own. I’m so happy to kick off my 20 year anniversary celebrations in Durban.
  17. Maintain Professionalism: Conducting myself professionally in all dealings is non-negotiable. First impressions are lasting. 
  18. Focus on Quality: Prioritising quality over quantity in music production ensures enduring success.
  19. Embrace Cultural Heritage: Celebrating and integrating cultural elements into my work distinguishes me in a global market.
  20. Persevere with Passion: Passion for music drives my continuous creativity and perseverance, inspiring others to follow their dreams with dedication.

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