It finally happened that Nackie was heartbroken: she just got ‘treated and discharged’. Her tears couldn’t get rid of a video recorded by her hitherto boy friend which had gone viral on social media. At the end of the video read;
“Abi you doubted me, see for yourself how good she is in bed; I clear am dadaada. SHARP!”
I became dumb founded, seeing Nackie in that miserable state because just a fortnight ago I bumped into her having a hearty chat with two other female friends, under a shrouded neem tree on Campus. Their issue for discussion? Very simple but interesting: they were wondering why they usually accepted to date what they called ‘Rascal Guys’ over fairly good ones. In their own words, “those Yooyoo guys often take us for granted and break our hearts in the end”. So I was indeed surprised to have seen this same good looking lady entangled in bitter-love web.
Sometimes, my heart even bleeds, for when I sit in the company of “BOYS, BOYS!’ I get to hear how beautiful ladies like Nackie, (that I considered to be “Angels”) have received their share of the cake. Their hearts are first won over; sex comes in and in most instances end up in painful breakups. Assault and other embarrassing treatments then follow. I usually become heartbroken as if those ladies were my blood sisters.
In the words of my bosom friend, Creppy, ‘’Ladies are made to believe in what they hear. In fact, most of those ‘Yooyoo’ guys tend to have the ‘vocabs’ and boldly spill their sugar coated lies into the ears of the ladies because they often want to hear what the guys usually do not mean.”
Ernestina, another colleague, thinks “It is no fault of the Ladies to go in for the so called ‘wrong guys’. The gentle guys are usually hesitant and sometimes unable to even articulate their feelings well. Such guys often expect the ladies to read their thoughts, something which is not possible. The aggressive Yooyoo guys, on the other hand, find it so easy to make their intentions known. And hey!! Most girls like Confident and loud guys.”
But if it is said that many of the Yooyoo guys do not leave up to expectation, why then do some ladies bluff, toil with and even spend monies of the fairly gentle ‘good ones’ when they come their way?
Perhaps you can help me understand better: Is it an in-born character of many ladies to prefer ‘Yooyoo guys’ over gentle ones? Or is it a mere assertion which does not have any real life occurrences? I’ve been thinking!
By Gabriel Obodai Torgbor-Ashong
General Secretary
Students Representative Council: Ghana Institute Of Journalism