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Three Years Since the Mthombenis Got Engaged, and Here Is 10 of Our Favorite Memories of the Couple

Three Years Since the Mthombenis Got Engaged, and Here Is 10 of Our Favorite Memories of the Couple. It feels like just yesterday when Musa Mthombeni went down on one knee asking for Liesl’s hand in marriage. No one knew the two were a couple, except of course those in their close circle. But now that they are husband and wife, they share almost everything about their beautiful marriage.

Today marks three years engaged to this beautiful fairytale of a woman. Happy engagement anniversary baby girl,” Musa announced.

The couple is known for their epic content, making many believe in the institution of marriage. They travel together, party together, buy each other gifts, celebrate milestones and so forth. Check out some of the beautiful memories, they have created over the years.

1. Traveling Diaries

2. Best Friends

3. J-Lo and Puffy

4. First Wedding Anniversary

5. Couples Who Cook Together Stay Together

6. Bringing Wifey to Work, Cute!

7. Give and Take

8. First Official White Wedding Pic

9. Traditional Wedding

10. Soft Launching the Relationship

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