
Social Media Reacts to ANC and DA’s Government of National Unity Agreement

Social Media Reacts to ANC and DA’s Government of National Unity Agreement. After days of speculations, the African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance have reached a deal to form the Government of National Unity. The deal also includes, the Patriotic Alliance (PA) and the Inkatha Freedom Party.

In the just ended general elections, the ANC vote fell below 50% for the first time since Nelson Mandela led them to victory in 1994 and ended the racist system of apartheid. This subsequently forced them to look for coalition partners.

The ANC got about 40% of the vote, with the centre-right Democratic Alliance (DA) on 22%, the MK party on 15% and the radical Economic Freedom Fighters on 9%. The IFP, which is a conservative party with a strong Zulu base, got about 4% of the vote share in the election.

According to DA leader John Steenhuisen, from today his party will co-govern south Africa in a government of National Unity. He also added that the Government of National Unity pact will keep Cyril Ramaphosa as President.

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