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Sneziey Msomi’s Daughter Clocks A Major Milestone

Sneziey Msomi’s Daughter Clocks A Major Milestone. When Sneziey Msomi announced her pregnancy in May 2023, we were never ready for this kind of content. No one is complaining though, because any post about her daughter, brightens the day.

The former Idols finalist, musician and model is a doting mom to her first child, Owomusa Ziyana (Intsikelelo) Vusani. Sneziey went through the most in her motherhood journey, including miscarriages to fibroid. At the end of the day though, she got a beautiful gift, an adorable baby girl.

From the moment she announced the birth of her daughter, it has been epic content after another. Snezeiy shares special milestones, that her bundle of joy reaches. The one-year-old cutie is also doing amazing things on Instagram, with her own page. She snaps cute pictures and videos, entertaining her growing fan base of over 20k followers.

Owomusa’s recent Instagram post has left many of her followers asking for more. She is learning to walk, and some of her first steps have been shared on her page. As much as this is a proud moment for Owomusa, her parents are also proud of how fast she is growing.

We can walk!!! 🥹🤍,” a video of her first steps was captioned.

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