10 Hilariously True Differences Between Men And Women

Women and men are truly from different planets. A simple statement can have two different meanings depending on who you ask, a woman or a man. Most men have tried to understand women, maybe it’s high time women also tried tried understanding men. But in the end we know who’s always right, right?
Here are some funny but true facts about the differences in men and women.
1. Men think a woman who likes video games is a keeper whilst women think a guy who likes vidoe games is a loser.
2. A woman always have the last word in an argument but anything a guy says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
3. Men wake up looking the same as they went to bed women on the other hand seem to deteriorate during the night.
4. If a woman says no it also means yes, maybe and exactly that no but if a man says no it’s a no.
5. Women dress up to eat, watch TV, go shopping but men only dress up for weddings and funerals.
6. A woman will marry expecting a man to change, which they don’t and a man marries a woman expecting her not to change which they do.
7. Men never worry about the future until they are married, women worry about the future until they get married.
8. Men take 10 minutes to get ready women take 2hours just to do their hair.
9. A man wants to be a woman’s first love and a woman wants o be a man’s last love.
10 Diamonds are a girl’s best friend while a man’s best friend is a dog.