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Papa Ghost Takes A Moment to Address Haters

Papa Ghost Takes A Moment to Address Haters. He has been labeled the villain of Big Brother Mzansi Season IV. While in the house Papa Ghost voiced his opinions, and this got him in trouble with a lot of housemates as well as fans outside the house. He was also competitive, and this made some people uncomfortable.

The likes of MacJunior, Yolanda and Makhekhe at some point verbally attacked him, much to the amusement of some housemates and viewers. Nonetheless, Papa Ghost persevered in the compensation, showing off his talent as a scriptwriter and producer. He also did not get much votes from fans, but was kept in the competition by winning Head of the House games two times consecutively.

When he left the house, Papa Ghost got to realized that he was not a fan favorite. Instead of letting that dim his light, he decided to work on advancing his career. The reality show star, musician and storyteller, did a lot of media runs, putting his plans out there. It has paid off, as now Papa Ghost and his partner Lerato are about to drop their first Theatre production, Baleka. It’s also heartwarming to see a number of his former housemates supporting him at this.

Sadly, there are still fan bases, who hate Ghost to the core. They are still dragging him mainly regarding his relationship with other house mates, and picking on him for his age. Ghost has been ignoring all the hate, but finally, the man has decided to address the haters.

Some of you have sick fantasies. Big Brother ended 3 months ago and some of us are out here hustling to occupy relevant spaces. Nina all you have on your minds is nonexistent beef. Also my age, it never bothered me before and still doesn’t. I’m healthy and handsome,” Ghost shot back.

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