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Musa and Liesl Mthombeni Mark A Significant Milestone In Their Marriage

Musa and Liesl Mthombeni Mark A Significant Milestone In Their Marriage. One thing about the Mthombenis, they publicly celebrate each and everything about their marriage. Since they got married about three years ago, Liesl and Musa have made their marriage top priority in their lives.

Just a month ago, Musa and Liesl clocked a whole 1000 days in marriage. Well, to most people in marriage, anniversaries are observed annually. The Mthombenis however, have a marriage built differently. The couple made sure that their 1000th day in marriage is a big deal that is worth to be celebrated. To mark the special occasion, Musa and Liesl had a room decorated with balloons, candles and flowers. They also advised people to get married at their earliest convenience.

Despite backlash here and there, the two are determined to enjoy this marriage thing, the best way they know how. Today marks 34 months since they got married, and as expected they have taken to social media to celebrate the milestone. Both shared statuses, to mark the milestone.

Monthiversary with my baby.
Happy 34 months married my sexy baby!

Almost 3 years married. Shuuuuuu! What’s fairytale 🖤,”
Musa said in gratitude.

Any excuse to relive this day 🥺🤍
Any excuse to go through our wedding album…
34 months of bliss with you @drmusamthombeni – I LOVE YOU!
Everything is better with you. Everything is better since you,
” Liesl captioned their stunning wedding pictures.

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