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Levels! Theo Baloyi, Portia Mngomezulu, Brett Thompson and Other Entrepreneurs Honored By Forbes Africa

Levels! Theo Baloyi, Portia Mngomezulu and Brett Thompson Honored By Forbes Africa. They are among the most inspirational young people in business. All of the three tapped into niche markets, and have never looked back.

Forbes Africa Magazine has just debuted the list of Small Giants in their June/July issue. The business publication is focusing on the local heroes Theo Baloyi, Portia Mngomezulu, Brett Thompson among others. The issue captures the essence of the hyper-local in Africa, showcasing the true grit and resilience inherent within the continent’s economies, capturing the progress of small companies big on ideas, culture and community. Forbes Africa Magazine has created a remarkable unranked list of 25 businesses driven by purpose and impact.

One of the cover stories is Bathu founder and CEO, Theo. The successful businessman shares how Bathu Shoes brand was born as well as his philosophy. Portia, of Portia M beauty products, talks about how she started her business from the bottom, and growing it to be this big and international. There is also Brett, who together with Tasneem Karodia became first in Africa to look at this technology called cultivated meat or cellular agriculture. The duo have thrived in this sector, proving that Africa is alive with possibilities.

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