Celeb News

Lerato Modise Launches A Board Game for Kids

Lerato Modise Launches A Board Game for Kids. Passion is all about following what drives yo, not what everyone else is doing. When the majority of Big Brother Mzansi ex housemates choose careers in the entertainment industry, Lerato Modise went for something in the niche market.

The reality show star is well known as Miss Robot, a youth advocate and founder of Robbotical. The platform focuses on giving children, especially those living with disabilities, access to activities they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. They do sports such as chess, tennis and more. Although Lerato was painted as evil, while in the house, she has since revealed that it was all a game. Lerato is a totally different person, who loves her community.

Through Robbotical, Lerato recently announced the launch of an online board game for kids. For the project, she collaborated with Auko Design, and the duo locally research, locally design and manufacture STEAM 4IR educational enhancements. They also make tools in the form of mind-bending educational puzzles accompanied by STEAM 4ir workshops for schools, teachers and parents. This is to teach kids all about the different sectors in the 4IR space. The puzzle is based on African continent and aims to teach young people about their origins and connectivity between countries

Lerato’s first puzzle will officially be available online from the 19th of June.

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