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K Naomi Gives A Stern Warning to A Famous Motorist Influencer Who Owes Her

K Naomi Gives A Stern Warning to A Famous Motorist Influencer Who Owes Her. Everyone deserve to be paid back money owed to them. This is regardless of how much they make, as long as you promised to pay back, you have to keep the promise.

One individual who needs her money back as soon as yesterday is K Naomi. Over the past couple of days, the model and TV personality has been sharing tweets about people who do others dirt. A day ago, K Naomi shared a tweet about people who underestimate others. Soon after that she went to her Instagram stories, addressing one Aluta Maqoko. The lady allegedly owes K Naomi, but it has not been revealed how the debt came about. On the message, K Naomi gave her up until 5pm, for her to give her the money she owes her.

Aluta has previously been accused of being a scammer and using fraudulent documents to obtain a visa to Switzerland

It’s not clear whether Aluta has paid or not, but K Naomi’s tweet today, shows she is still upset. She made it clear that no one can take her money and get away with it.

You can’t take people’s money and think you can get away with it. Well not with me…,” K Naomi said.

Social media is having a field day with the tea, and most want more information from K Naomi. Some came for K Naomi for lending money to an individual who is surrounded by controversy, whereas others ad viced her to take matters up with the law.

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