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Brenda Ngxoli Breaks Her Silence Regarding the Cruel Treatment She Gets From Her Sister

Brenda Ngxoli Breaks Her Silence Regarding the Cruel Treatment She Gets From Her Sister. Family is one of the most important, if not the most important thing in our lives. Sadly though, some people do not experience that, as their families are extremely toxic. It seems like Brenda Ngxoli is among those individuals.

Of late, the award winning actress has been opening up about some of her worst experiences. Two months back, Brenda took to Instagram stating that she was a victim of racism when shooting, Sew the Winter to My Skin film. She revealed that the alleged racist, as fellow actor David James. To date, James has not responded to the allegations, and nothing much has been done, except Brenda getting closure.

Brenda has now opened up about another abuse, sadly coming from her family. She has just shared that her sister, Althea Lumka Ngxoli has verbally abused her for years. It got worse when Brenda was out of work, and had to go back home. Her sister did not want her there, making Brenda’s life unbearable. Even after having her daughter Sky, Brenda went though the most, thanks to her sister.

Althea Lumka Ngxoli is her name. My Ungrateful Beloved sister who has made a Habit through the years of Verbally Abusing me at Every turn She wishes.Who has Allegedly been Spreading Vicious Rumours About me. Kindly Allow me to Elaborate . Today I Break Silence,” Brenda said.

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