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Bheki Cele, Naledi Pandor and Thandi Modise Among Ministers Not Returning to Parliament

These Ministers Will Not Be Returning to Parliament. A lot of people called the recent General Elections, our 1994, even before voters cast their votes. Well, it seems like they have lived up to that, as there has been many changes. First, the African National Congress (ANC) lost 71 seats, which means a lot of its members will be out in the cold.

Long-serving ministers Naledi Pandor, Bheki Cele, Thandi Modise, Lindiwe Zulu and Thulas Nxesi are among those who won’t be making a return to Parliament. Cele was the Minister of Police, Pandor was International Relations Minister, Modise was Defence Minister, Zulu was Social Development Minister, whereas Nxesi was the Minister of Employment and Labour.

After appearing in court for corruption charges on Wednesday, Zizi Kodwa’s return as a member of Parliament (MP) also hangs in the balance. He has has rendered in his resignation as Sports, Arts and Culture Minister. This follows recommendations from Chief Justice Raymond Zondo in 2021 that Kodwa be removed from Cabinet and possibly charged for alleged State Capture corruption. Today, he appeared in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court in connection with allegations that he received over R1.7 million in bribes.

There re more surprises to expect in the midst of all these changes. Former Public Enterprises and Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba, who resigned under a state capture cloud in 2018, is said to be making a return.

Former Communications Minister Dina Pule, who also left under a corruption cloud in 2013, will also be making a comeback.

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