What’s Gone Wrong?

‘What’s gone wrong?’ This is the question posed by Alex Boraine. A question on the lips of millions of South Africans.
Boraine attempts to answer this urgent question from the vantage point of wide experience as churchman, parliamentarian and the co-founder of IDASA. He digs deep into the history of the ANC in exile and as the governing party for two decades and concludes that in exile and today the ANC is slavishly committed to the party as the dominant factor. All else – the Executive, Parliament, the Judiciary, civil society and the media – take second and third place. The ANC seeks to control every institution.
‘Seizure of Power’ was the ANC’s watchword and battle cry in exile and it remains the aim of most of the leadership of the ANC. Control. Intolerance and corruption are the hallmarks of the governing party which has brought South Africa to be defined as a failing state.
Boraine goes beyond strong criticism and offers a number of proposals, including the re-alignment of politics as a way of preventing South Africa becoming a failed state.