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Inside Kayise Ngqula and Her Partner’s Epic Mauritius Takeover

Inside Kayise Ngqula and Her Partner’s Epic Mauritius Takeover. It is so heartwarming to see an individual find love after tragedy. We have a perfect example in Simphiwe Ngema who went on to find love after the death of her husband

Another young widow, Kayise Ngqula, has found love, and we are here for it. Kayise lost her husband Farai Sibanda to a car accident, back in June 2019. The couple was traveling together, but fortunately for Kayise, she only sustained injuries. After her husband’s death the TV personality and actress had many challenges, including her recovery, raising a small baby, in-law drama and so forth.

How wonderful is it that Kayise has bounced through it all, and is living her life happily. She recently bough a house for herself and son, proving that everything works out in the end. Kayise is also doing very well in the relationship, and has just softly launched her new man. The two were in Mauritius to celebrate Kayise’s 33rd birthday, and fun was had. Our girl looked all sorts of glowing, and sexy in those bikinis. Her man also showed off his well toned body as well as dance skills in the streets of Mauritius.

Check out some of the content Kayise shared from some of the posts below.

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