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“I’m So Tired,” Shamiso’s Tweet Amidst J Molley’s Suicide Threads

“I’m So Tired,” Shamiso’s Tweet Amidst J Molley’s Suicide Threads. When many people were invested with the election results, J Molley was going through the most. The rapper took to social media, going live about his suicide mission.

After a series of tweets about how hard life is, J Molley shared a video showed of himself at an unknown location surrounded by bottles of alcohol and fizzy drinks. He holds up a container of what appears to be pain pills and shows it to the camera before swallowing them with a mouthful of Coca Cola.

As he informed his followers that he had begun the process of ending his life, J Molley shared that only his ex-girlfriend Shamiso Mosaka could save him, but she could not. “It’s already done guys. The process of death has started. There’s no turning back. I’m sorry,” wrote J Molley. “Only Shamiso Can Save Me But She Won’t. Bye Guys, I’m Sorry,” he added.

There were those who were concerned for him, and called for him to seek help. Some though trolled him and bullied him.

Look At All The Jokes. You Wonder Why I’m About To Be Dead? it’s Not Hard To Figure Out. As A Human That Has An IQ Of 156 Mensa Certified, I Have To Live Amongst These People With IQ’s Of 80,” he lashed out at them.

Shamiso, who is also trending, shared a tweet, showing that she also is going through the most. This could possibly be because of J Molley’s tweets, as well as those who tag her on posts. The MTV Base presenter shared that she is tired.

I’m so tired,” Shamiso shared on Twitter.

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