Top 10 Worst April Fools Jokes Of All-Time

Today is April fools day and for those who are ga-ga over it, they know this because it’s all about the pranks , jokes, gags and tricks. April Fools’ Day (sometimes called April Fool’s Day or All Fools’ Day) is celebrated every year on the first day of April as a day when people play practical jokes. April fools pranks require careful planning. And though massive, meticulously planned pranks certainly gets a rise out of unlucky prankees, it’s the subtle pranks that pack the most surprise.
In this article, we managed to list 10 of the most worst April Fools Jokes that just killed the mood.
1. Fake your own death
Fake your death, and then at the funeral, jump out of the coffin. Greater effect can be achieved if you arrange to deliberately fall over when getting out of the coffin, and appear to crack your head open – squibs in your mouth for the “vomiting blood” effect is also recommended.
2. The Pregnancy gag
Find someone they’ve had sex with in the past 9 months (note, if you are reading this, it is unlikely someone will play this joke on you) and get them to phone the other party and inform them that they are pregnant with twins, and that they are the only possible father. Guaranteed to bring laughs for years to come.
3. The Fake Eviction Notice
You print up a fake eviction notice from the city and give it to your friend. Tell him he has 24 hours to pack everything before they kick him out. The rest of this prank should handle itself. Be sure to only tell them it was all a joke when they have already packed everything up.
4. Fake Suicide
Leave a suicide note where someone will find it and then leave your house for the day. An open medicine bottle or a coiled rope add an extra touch. Be sure not to let anyone know you’re alive until after the police have been called.
5. Coming Out of the Closet
Announce to your family or friends that you are gay and have been in a long-term relationship with another person of the same gender. Alternately, if you are gay, tell them that you are straight.
6. The toilet gag
Go to the toilet. Take a piece of plastic wrap and place it under the toilet seat add a few blobs of caesium to the sheet where it doesn’t look particularly noticeable. Now wait until someone goes to the toilet.
7. Fake Disaster Warnings
Tell people that there’s a deadly virus going around. Even a tough person will cry like a baby.
8. A Fake Robbery
Cover your face with a black panty-hose and enter into someone’s house. Don’t carry a real gun, just make it a toy gun. This will have your prankee scared big time!
9. Get a relative to play dead
Get a relative very close to them (perhaps yourself), and harness that person to a light fixture with a belt and leave them hanging there overnight. This is even more effective if the person is fitted so that they are dying when the victim comes down.
10. Coming Out of the Closet
Announce to your family or friends that you are gay and have been in a long-term relationship with another person of the same gender. Alternately, if you are gay, tell them that you are straight.