Celeb News
Check Out Lasizwe’s Request To Khanyi Mbau After She Edited Their Picture

Check Out Lasizwe’s Request To Khanyi Mbau After She Edited Their Picture. Talk about being your brother’s keeper. Big sister Khanyi Mbau has always been there for her brother Lasizwe. Moreover, she also wants him to look good as a person in the entertainment industry.
Khanyi left Twitter talking the other day when shared a modified picture of herself and Lasizwe . In the picture they both look lighter, Lasizwe’s nose has been made smaller, and thinner, and Khanyi;’s tummy is flatter.
Although Back Twitter is not impressed Lasizwe is a happy man and thanked her sister for the editing. He has a request though. Lasizwe asked Khanyi for money to get a real nose job.