Social Media Share Different Views On Nothile Not Attending Her Father Sfiso Ncwane’s Tombstone Unveiling

Social Media Share Different Views On Nothile Not Attending Her Father Sfiso Ncwane’s Tombstone Unveiling. Nothile is a very reserved individual, who seem uncomfortable in front of the camera. Unfortunately for her though, she has famous parents, and now she is in the spotlight.
We first got introduced to the teenager on the first episode of the Real Housewives of Durban season I. Her mother Nonku Williams dropped a bombshell revealing that she has a child with Sfiso Ncwane. Sfiso’s widow, Ayanda Ncwane, was also a housewife at the time. It was a given that the two women, were going to butt heads every now and then during the season. There was a time though, when Ayanda and Nonku went together with the kids to visit Sfiso’s grave.
At the Real Housewives of Durban reunion, though, sparks flew high. With the support of her mother, Nonku shared that her dad, Mr Williams wanted Ayanda to pay damages for Nothile, as she is Sfiso’s daughter. The attack left Ayanda so emotional, that she stomped out, followed by her supportive brother Phupho Gumede. A lot of people came for Nonku on social media, such that she had to close the comment section on her Instagram. Ayanda did not return for the second season of the show, and four seasons later, Nonku is still a participant.
Over the weekend, Ayanda, together with close family and friends had Sfiso’s tombstone unveiling ceremony. Everyone came dressed in white, as it was the order of the day. After Ayanda posted pictures on social media, many noticed the absence of Nothile. They then came for Ayanda, saying Nothile also deserved to be present at such occasions. Some though, feel that Ayanda doesn’t owe the child anything, more so since the father wasn’t present while still alive.