Palesa Madikwane Gives Herself Some Love

Palesa Madikwane Gives Herself Some Love. Ain’t nothing as beautiful as self affirmations. Instead of waiting for other people to hype you, why not be like Palesa Madisakwane and give yourself a little encouragement!
The entertainment industry is definitely not for the faint hearted . Today you are swimming in gigs, the next day, it’s dry. We have witnessed Palesa playing lead in Generations among other shows. Sadly she went missing in action, with not acting gigs lined up for her.
Just like most of us, Palesa has also had her personal ups and downs. A couple of years back, she was involved in a car accident, which left her face with bad scars. Lucky for her, her baby daddy, Somizi paid for her to get proper medical attention, and she recovered very well. Palesa also made news when she publicly stated that she was leaving her calling as a traditional healer, to now being a fully committed christian.
Despite everything she goes through, Palesa is proud of the woman she is. She recently took to Instagram stating that she chooses herself first. Loving yourself first, will definitely make you love those around you properly.
“I choose you, always will and always do… i choose me first… ‘Guard your heart with due diligence because out of it flow issues of life’,” Palesa said.