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Kefilwe Mabote Takes A Moment to Self Introspect As She Turns A Year Older

Kefilwe Mabote Takes A Moment to Self Introspect As She Turns A Year Older. She is the kind of woman to throw a mother of all parties on her birthdays. This time around though, Kefilwe Mabote started off things calmly with a sweet birthday shout out to herself.

Reflecting in her years, Kefilwe has nothing but gratitude for a life well lived. The award-winning creator of lifestyle and fashion digital content lives a lavish life. Kefi, has traveled the world, mingles with the likes of Usher, attends major events like the GRAMMYs, has a fleet of luxury cars and rocks expensive designer clothes, among other things.

Of course yes, here and there she has scandals surrounding her. A few months back there was an article published by Zimoja, stating that Kefi allegedly faked her lobola negotiations for content. Apparently she staged a photo shoot, hired the cows and glammed up for lobola negotiations that never happened.

Instead of just celebrating her wins today, Kefi is also looking at the battles she has fought and the tribulations she has weathered. She is now looking forward to the next chapter of her life, and everything is will bring.

As I stand on the threshold of another year, I find myself enveloped in a profound sense of gratitude and reflection. Today is not just a celebration of my birth but a testament to the journey, the battles fought, the milestones achieved, and the tribulations weathered. Here’s to the next chapter. Happy birthday to Me 🎈♈️🐏,” Kefi said.

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