Big Brother Mzansi’s Liema Loses A Close Family Member

Big Brother Mzansi’s Liema Loses A Close Family Member. Being a houseguests on Big Brother means one is shut out from the outside world. You don’t get details on what’s happening in the news nor can you communicate with family and friends. There is an exception though, more so in case of death of a loved one.
In this season of Big Brother Mzansi, one participant has lost a family member. Liema Pantsi, one of the most significant players has just lost her grandmother. The reality show star and aspiring singer lost her granny this Tuesday, and Big Brother let her know two days after. Liema was raised by her grandmother, and the loss hit her hard. She broke down crying after receiving the news, and housemates came in to comfort her. Jareed even promised her that he would do better this time around, just to consider her feelings.
We sent her our deepest condolences during this difficult time.
“With a broken heart, we are sad to confirm that the news of the passing of Liema’s grandma which happened on Tuesday, she basically raised Liema and we know how much she meant to Liema, we pray that her soul continues to rest in peace. Amen,” an announcement as shared on her Twitter page.
With a broken heart, we are sad to confirm that the news of the passing of Liema’s grandma which happened on Tuesday 💔💔 she basically raised Liema and we know how much she meant to Liema, we pray that her soul continues to rest in peace. Amen 🙏🏾
— Liema Pantsi #BBMzansi (@liemapantsi) February 15, 2024
The housemates shower Liema with love after the news of her grandmother's passing 🕊️.
— Big Brother Mzansi (@BBMzansi) February 15, 2024
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